IMM 2019 Inglismaal, 8.-12. august - Mini 60. juubel!

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 681
Liitunud: 05 Aug 2008, 21:26
Asukoht: Tallinn

IMM 2019 Inglismaal, 8.-12. august - Mini 60. juubel!

Postitus Postitas Margo » 22 Mai 2018, 10:01


Eile potsatas mu postkasti Minisparesi kiri, et müügile on saabunud IMM 2019 piletid:

IMM 2019 ametlik koduleht:

Kuigi me hetkel valmistume oma suvepäevadeks, ei teeks paha hakata plaanima ka järgmise aasta suurüritusele minekut :)
Kasutaja avatar
Jet Black
Postitusi: 292
Liitunud: 12 Jaan 2009, 14:08
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: IMM 2019 Inglismaal, 8.-12. august - Mini 60. juubel!

Postitus Postitas Jet Black » 03 Okt 2018, 00:43

Piletid ostetud! Kas keegi veel ühineb?
Postitusi: 1944
Liitunud: 15 Mai 2007, 20:25
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: IMM 2019 Inglismaal, 8.-12. august - Mini 60. juubel!

Postitus Postitas Janno » 09 Okt 2018, 22:40

Mina ja Siim ilmselt olema ka ühinemas (ilmselt minu autoga). Proovime siin mõningaid veel ära rääkida :)

Äkki võiks kaaluda ka kopereerumist:
- Lätlaste ja/või Soomlastega
- BMW MINIgega

Seltsis segasem :)
Cooper Sport
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 408
Liitunud: 28 Nov 2009, 13:37
Asukoht: tallinn

Re: IMM 2019 Inglismaal, 8.-12. august - Mini 60. juubel!

Postitus Postitas andreas » 13 Okt 2018, 18:41

Millega sa minemas?
Ega ometi....

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 681
Liitunud: 05 Aug 2008, 21:26
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: IMM 2019 Inglismaal, 8.-12. august - Mini 60. juubel!

Postitus Postitas Margo » 29 Okt 2018, 11:45

Väga lahe, et huvilisi juurde tekib :)
Olen juba paar korda püüdnud pileteid osta, kuid seni tulutult. Pean vist mingi krediitkaardi ikka ära tellima :)

Täiendus: Janno, ühiselt minekul on jumet. Mingi hetk võiks uurida, kes, kust ja kuidas on minemas ning millised ühiselt mineku võimalused meil oleksid.
Kasutaja avatar
Jet Black
Postitusi: 292
Liitunud: 12 Jaan 2009, 14:08
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: IMM 2019 Inglismaal, 8.-12. august - Mini 60. juubel!

Postitus Postitas Jet Black » 01 Mär 2019, 19:02

Info korraldajatelt:

IMM2019 March Newsletter

Welcome to the first newsletter brought to you by Team Bristol. With less than 6 months to go, things are really stepping up on the organisation of what we are hoping will be an event of a lifetime!

We have currently sold tickets to 36 countries, including New Zealand, Chile, Russia and Mexico making it a truly international event! Statistics also show that 90% of tickets sold are to those planning on staying on site, so we are getting prepared and ready to bring you top class evening entertainment, live music, along with a chill out area to catch up with friends as well as a fully packed agenda for the daytime.

We have now released details of the Sunday Mini 60 show where visitors can access the site on Sunday only for £20 per adult and £5 per child. Please rest assured, there will be security upon entrance to the campsite and these visitors will not be permitted in for security reasons. Tickets will only be available on the gate on the day, opening at 9am. There will also be a mini only car park which of course you will be able to access and look around.

If you don't know already - we have booked a Bristol bus tour to and from the IMM site. It is £10 per person and tickets can be bought through the Facebook shop or by sending us an email. It is a 2 hour tour leaving at 10am, 12pm and 2pm. Bristol International Balloon Fiesta have confirmed they would like to welcome some Minis to their event and into their arena - we are currently just sorting out the number/logistics for this amazing opportunity (numbers will be limited).

You may have also seen our limited edition Corgi model which is going into production TONIGHT!!! This will also only be available to buy from the IMM merchandise stand as realistically we won't receive them from Corgi until July anyway.

We will be contacting all clubs registered on the IMM website in July to ask how much space they require, so please let your club know before this time if you are planning on camping with them. Podpads and Blackdown motorhomes will be in a separate area.

Saturday night will be 80's night! Fancy dress and glow show confirmed, we have a couple of other surprises lined up for you too... So far, we are pleased to welcome 4 gold sponsors on board; Mini Spares, Mini Sport, Somerford Mini Spares and British Motor Heritage, and one bronze; Mini Mine. Please show your support for these and our other traders, as without them, our show, and mini shows in general, would not continue - we are very grateful to them.

In other news; Andy is working hard on club and car displays and will slot them into the site plan soon. Ben has secured us an excellent fairground with rides capped at £1 for children and £2 for adults as we want them to be used, and not sat empty at extortionate prices! Matt has tirelessly been working on a deal with ferry companies after our success with Stena and we hope to bring you confirmation of 10% with DFDS by Tuesday night. As for Olly, he has been relentlessly busy amending email addresses, t shirt sizes and car registration plates (I think he probably has the worst job!). My main jobs for the coming weeks are another site visit to confirm locations of toilets and showers (very important), and many other important top secret things.

Finally, we will be increasing the ticket price for the IMM weekend to £100 per adult from the end of May. The goody bag/T shirt/free meal voucher offer will also end at this point. If you know of anyone wanting to attend the IMM who has not yet bought their ticket, please let them know that buying before the end of May will by far give them the best value for money!

I hope this keeps you nicely informed of the extent of organisation ongoing. Our Facebook page is updated almost daily at the moment as things are booked and traders are confirmed but we will continue to send you updated information via these newsletters for those not following social media.

Cheers for now!!

Team Bristol :)
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 681
Liitunud: 05 Aug 2008, 21:26
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: IMM 2019 Inglismaal, 8.-12. august - Mini 60. juubel!

Postitus Postitas Margo » 09 Mai 2019, 11:25

Kaua tehtud kaunikene - sain Mini Spares-lt kinnituskirja "Your order is complete" - jeee! :)
Ehk, IMM pilet ostetud ja üks suve eesmärkidest tiba selgem.