Huvitavad leiud!

Kes? Mis? Kus?
Postitusi: 545
Liitunud: 31 Juul 2004, 10:49
Asukoht: tartu

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas miniest » 17 Sept 2010, 18:21

Austin Mini is not just a car. She is a friend, a pet and exclusive handbag.
Postitusi: 1944
Liitunud: 15 Mai 2007, 20:25
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas Janno » 27 Sept 2010, 09:51

Meil on ju ka igasugu mootori ehitajaid... elektirommotorist ei oleks keegi huvitet? :)
Cooper Sport
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Postitusi: 895
Liitunud: 17 Juun 2004, 12:59
Asukoht: Tartu / TTÜ

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas Kristjan » 27 Sept 2010, 10:11

Ehitus iseeneset oleks suhteliselt lihtne, aga raha tahab kõvasti. Kui eesmärk liikuda ühe laadimisega rohkem kui 10 km .
Postitusi: 716
Liitunud: 01 Apr 2009, 02:49
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas ares » 28 Sept 2010, 17:06

Päris hoolega kaalusin kunagi aga kuna raha puuga seljas ei ole siis andsin esialgu alla. Järgmine projekt on plaanis küll just Mini elektrifitseerimine. Vähegi mõistliku (minu jaoks alates 150-200km) läbisõiduga elektri Mini tegemine läheb maksa suurusjärku üle 200k :)
Postitusi: 1944
Liitunud: 15 Mai 2007, 20:25
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas Janno » 04 Okt 2010, 22:45 ... 230a6d252a

Kui keegi mõtleb keretöödele siis siin on 1 päris hea toorik. Uku on ka hetkel Inglismaale minemas vist?
Cooper Sport
Postitusi: 638
Liitunud: 08 Okt 2008, 17:17
Asukoht: Haapsalu/Sthlm

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas 90Deville » 04 Okt 2010, 22:58

Tal vist endal seda köigerohkem vaja :D
Mina nende piltide järgi seda küll osta ei julgeks, vaatama ka nagu kaugevöitu minna....
Üksiku Riley Elfi klubi
Postitusi: 545
Liitunud: 31 Juul 2004, 10:49
Asukoht: tartu

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas miniest » 05 Okt 2010, 00:38

Mina isiklikult ostaks sealt riigist odavalt veereva kere millel on olemas paberid ja kerenumber. ... 2c57d992d6
Ja siis hangid uue kere ning töstad asja lihtsalt ringi, muidugi teised jupid poest hangid ka juurde. Kuigi ta vöib kallimaks minna, siis siiski on see nagu uus auto. ... 842&title=

Veidi OT:
Ma ei tea kas see asi ka ennem oli, aga
• Maanteeamet teeb otsuse mootorsõiduki või selle haagise registreerimisest või muu registritoimingu tegemisest keeldumise kohta, kui:
1) esitatud ei ole registreerimiseks vajalikke dokumente või andmeid;
2) mootorsõiduk või selle haagis ei vasta kehtivatele nõuetele või
3) on koostatud varuosadest;
4) mootorsõiduk või selle haagis on hävimise tõttu või nõuetekohase lammutustõendi alusel registrist kustutatud.
Austin Mini is not just a car. She is a friend, a pet and exclusive handbag.
Postitusi: 545
Liitunud: 31 Juul 2004, 10:49
Asukoht: tartu

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas miniest » 11 Okt 2010, 03:07

Selle kuu kolmik.
Austin Mini mkI
Mini Radford De Ville Automatic
Austin Mini Thirty(Enesetapu ustega.)
Austin Mini is not just a car. She is a friend, a pet and exclusive handbag.
Postitusi: 8
Liitunud: 27 Aug 2010, 01:07
Asukoht: Tartu

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas pasteedimees » 15 Okt 2010, 14:45

Postitusi: 1944
Liitunud: 15 Mai 2007, 20:25
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas Janno » 21 Okt 2010, 15:35

Tartus on punane konksuga Mini müügiks:

Kuulutus siin:
Cooper Sport
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 68
Liitunud: 05 Apr 2006, 08:19
Asukoht: Tartumaa

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas archi » 23 Okt 2010, 12:09

Sai pandud jah müüki, vaatab kas kellelgi on soovi. Pere suurenes ja ei mahu sinna ära enam.
Tööd, raha ja aega on sellesse autosse ka liiga palju pandud, kuigi kui natuke veel panna- saaks juba uue auto.

Archi alias Rain
Postitusi: 545
Liitunud: 31 Juul 2004, 10:49
Asukoht: tartu

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas miniest » 31 Okt 2010, 23:05

Archile. :twisted: :oops:

Kuidas, tegelikult oleks pidanud The Italian Job löppema. :)
WD40-end on parim deodorant maailmas.
The English Job.
Disain õppetund Roverile ja BMW-le.
Itaalia Töö uusversioon satub raskustesse.
Austin Mini is not just a car. She is a friend, a pet and exclusive handbag.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 681
Liitunud: 05 Aug 2008, 21:26
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas Margo » 16 Nov 2010, 11:34

Ei ole just otseselt Minidega seotud, aga miks ei võiks aktiivsemad Miniklubi liikmed sellest osa võtta ;)

(Ütlen kohe ära, et teisipäeva õhtu on minu jaoks ebasobivaim üldse, nii et mina kahjuks ei osale :( )
Postitusi: 545
Liitunud: 31 Juul 2004, 10:49
Asukoht: tartu

Re: Huvitavad leiud!

Postitus Postitas miniest » 17 Nov 2010, 16:57

Sattusin oma vana cd peal, sellise info otsa. Ärge siis maha lööge, kui see asi kuskil siin juba kirjas on. NB! teksti on palju. Kahjuks, ei mäleta ma ka enam nende algallikat.
mini variants
There have been so many different Mini variants over the past 41 years. This table shows most of them (about 130)
Model Variation From To No. made (LEs)
Austin Se7en/Mini Saloon Standard (Cloth trim) 1959 1962
Morris Mini Minor Saloon Standard (Cloth trim) 1959 1962
Austin Se7en/Mini Saloon deluxe 1959 1962
Morris Mini Minor Saloon deluxe 1959 1962
Austin Se7en/Mini Countryman (Wood trim) 1960 1967
Morris Mini Traveller (Wood trim) 1960 1967
Austin Se7en/Mini Van 1960 1969
Morris Mini Van 1960 1969
Austin Se7en/Mini Pick-up 1961 1969
Morris Mini Pick-up 1961 1969
Austin Super Se7en/Mini Super saloon 1961 1962
Morris Mini Minor Super saloon 1961 1962
Austin Se7en/Mini Cooper 997cc saloon 1961 1964
Morris Mini Cooper 997cc saloon 1961 1964
Riley Elf Mark I 848cc saloon 1961 1963
Wolsley Hornet Mark I 848cc saloon 1961 1963
Austin Mini Saloon standard (Vynide trim) 1962 1967
Morris Mini Minor Saloon standard (Vynide trim) 1962 1967
Austin Mini Super deluxe saloon 1962 1967
Morris Mini Minor Super deluxe saloon 1962 1967
Austin Mini Countryman (All metal body) 1962 1967
Morris Mini Traveller (All metal body) 1962 1967
Austin Mini Cooper 'S' 1071cc saloon 1963 1964
Morris Mini Cooper 'S' 1071cc saloon 1963 1964
Riley Elf Mark II 998cc saloon 1963 1966
Wolsley Hornet Mark II 998cc saloon 1963 1966
Austin Mini Moke 1964 1968
Morris Mini Moke 1964 1968
Austin Mini Cooper 998cc saloon 1964 1967
Morris Mini Cooper 998cc saloon 1964 1967
Austin Mini Cooper 'S' 970cc saloon 1964 1965
Morris Mini Cooper 'S' 970cc saloon 1964 1965
Austin Mini Cooper 'S' 1275cc saloon 1964 1967
Morris Mini Cooper 'S' 1275cc saloon 1964 1967
Riley Elf Mark III 998cc saloon 1966 1969
Wolsley Hornet Mark III 998cc saloon 1966 1969
Austin Mini Mark II 850 saloon standard 1967 1969
Morris Mini Minor Mark II 850 saloon standard 1967 1969
Austin Mini Mark II 850 saloon super de-luxe 1967 1969
Morris Mini Minor Mark II 850 saloon super de-luxe 1967 1969
Austin Mini Mark II 1000 saloon super de-luxe 1967 1969
Morris Mini Minor Mark II 1000 saloon super de-luxe 1967 1969
Austin Mini Mark II Countryman (wood) 1967 1969
Morris Mini Mark II Traveller (wood) 1967 1969
Austin Mini Mark II Countryman (metal) 1967 1969
Morris Mini Mark II Traveller (metal) 1967 1969
Austin Mini Cooper Mark II 998cc saloon 1967 1969
Morris Mini Cooper Mark II 998cc saloon 1967 1969
Austin Mini Cooper 'S' Mark II 1275cc saloon 1967 1970
Morris Mini Cooper 'S' Mark II 1275cc saloon 1967 1970
Austin Mini Van 1000 1967 1969
Morris Mini Van 1000 1967 1969
Austin Mini Pick-up 1000 1967 1969
Morris Mini Pick-up 1000 1967 1969
Mini 850 Saloon 1969 1974
Mini 1000 Saloon 1969 1974
Mini Clubman 1000 saloon 1969 1974
Mini Clubman 1000 estate car 1969 1974
Mini 1275GT Saloon 1969 1974
Mini Cooper 'S' Mark III 1275cc saloon 1970 1971
Mini 850 Van 1969 1974
Mini 1000 Van 1969 1974
Mini 850 Pick-up 1969 1974
Mini 1000 Pick-up 1969 1974
Mini 850 Saloon 1974 1979
Mini 1000 Saloon 1974 1979
Mini Clubman 1000 saloon 1974 1980
Mini Clubman 1000 estate car 1974 1980
Mini 1275GT Saloon 1974 1980
Mini 850 Van 1974 1980
Mini 1000 Van 1974 1983
Mini 850 Pick-up 1974 1980
Mini 1000 Pick-up 1974 1983
Mini Clubman 1100 saloon 1975 1980
Mini Clubman 1100 estate car 1975 1980
Mini 1100 Special Limited Edition 1976 1976 3000
Mini 1100 Special Limited Edition 20th anniversary 1979 1979 5000
Mini 850 City Saloon 1979 1980
Mini 850 Super de-luxe Saloon 1979 1980
Mini 1000 Super saloon 1979 1980
Mini 1000 City Saloon 1980 1982
Mini 1000 HL Saloon 1980 1982
Mini 1000 HL Estate car 1980 1982
Mini 1000 City E Saloon 1982 1988
Mini 1000 HLE Saloon 1982 1982?
Mini 1000 Mayfair Saloon 1982 1992
Mini Sprite Limited Edition 1983 1983 2500
Mini 25 Limited Edition 25th anniversary 1984 1984 5000
Mini Ritz Limited Edition 1985 1985 3725
Mini (the) Chelsea Limited Edition 1986 1986 1500
Mini Piccadilly Limited Edition 1986 1986 2500
Mini Park Lane Limited Edition 1987 1987 1500
Mini Advantage Limited Edition 1987 1987 2500
Mini 1000 City Saloon 1988 1989
Mini Red Hot Limited Edition 1988 1988 2000
Mini Jet Black Limited Edition 1988 1988 2000
Mini Designer Limited Edition 1988 1988 2000
Mini Sky Limited Edition 1988 1988 1000
Mini Rose Limited Edition 1988 1988 1000
Mini Racing Limited Edition 1988 1988 2000
Mini Flame Limited Edition 1988 1988 2000
Mini Thirty Limited Edition 30th anniversary 1989 1989 3000
ERA Mini 1275 Turbo Special Build 1989 1990
Mini Checkmate Limited Edition 1990 1990 2500
Mini Racing Green Limited Edition 1990 1990 2500
Mini Flame Red Limited Edition 1990 1990 2500
Mini Studio 2 Limited Edition 1990 1990 2000
Mini Cooper SE (RSP) Limited Edition 1990 1990 1000
Mini Cooper Carb. Engine 1990 1991
Mini Neon Limited Edition 1991 1991 1500
Mini Cabriolet Lamm Limited Edition 1991 1991 75
Mini Cooper 1.3i Fuel Injection Engine 1991 1996
Mini British Open Classic Limited Edition 1992 1992 1000
Mini Italian Job Limited Edition 1992 1992 1750
Mini Cooper 1.3 Si Limited Edition (John Cooper) 1992 1996
Mini Sprite 1275cc saloon 1992 1996
Mini Mayfair 1275cc saloon 1992 1996
Mini Cabriolet 1275cc cabriolet 1993 1996
Mini Rio Limited Edition 1993 1993 750
Mini Tahiti Limited Edition 1993 1993 500
Mini 35 Limited Edition 35th anniversary 1994 1994 1000
Mini Cooper Monte Carlo Limited Edition 1994 1994 200
Mini Cooper Grand Prix Limited Edition (John Cooper) 1994 1996
Mini Sidewalk Limited Edition 1995 1995 1000
Mini Cooper 'S' Limited Edition 1995 1995
Mini Equinox Limited Edition 1996 1996 750
Mini Cooper 35 Limited Edition 1996 1996 200
Mini 1.3i Twinpoint, front mounted radiator 1996 2000
Mini Cooper Twinpoint, front mounted radiator 1996 2000
Mini Cooper with Sports Pack Twinpoint, front mounted radiator 1996 2000
Mini Paul Smith Limited Edition 1998 1998 300
Mini Cooper Sports Limited Edition 1998 1998 100
Mini Forty Limited Edition 40th anniversary 1999 1999 250
Mini Cooper LE Limited Edition (John Cooper) 1999 1999
Mini Se7en Classic Finale 2000 2000
Mini Cooper Classic Finale 2000 2000
Mini Cooper Sport Classic Finale 2000 2000
This is from the final Mini press statement booklet.
Siin pole päris köiki kirjas, aga mingi ülevaate ikka annab.
mini production figures
MK 1 Minis Produced 1,106,000
MK 2 Minis Produced 406,000
MK 3 Minis Produced 2,610,059
Mini Cooper MK 1 Produced 64,224
Mini Cooper MK 2 Produced 16,396
Mini Cooper S MK 2 Produced 6,329
Mini Vans Produced 521,494
Mini Pick-Ups Produced 58,179
Mini Mokes Produced 49,937
Riley Elfs Produced 30,912
Wolseley Hornets Produced 28,455

Total Minis Produced (The End) 5,387,862
Mini möödud.
Overall Length Saloon 120.25 in (3054 mm)
Clubman Saloon 124.62 in (3165 mm)
Estate 134 in (3403 mm)
Van 129.87 in (3298 mm)
Pick-up 130.5 in (3314 mm)

Overall Width All 55.5 in (1410 mm)

Overall Height Saloon 53 in (1346 mm)
Estate, Van and Pickup 53.5 in (1359 mm)

Wheelbase Saloon 80.15 in (2036 mm)
Estate, Van and Pickup 84 in (2134 mm)

Turning Circle (kerb to kerb) Saloon 342 in (8687 mm)
Estate, Van and Pickup
Mini in Canada.
Minis were available here from 1959 to 1980, whereas they ended in 1968 in the U.S. Unique to Cdn. cars: From sometime in the early '70s, the Cdn. spec cars had side impact beams and an extra pin on the door sill to help prevent the door from popping open in a crash. Side marker lights from '68 on and of course those hideous high bumpers from '75 on. Canadian Minis also had an air pump and other emissions equipment and an evaporative control system (like the charcoal canister) fitted to them.

The infamous Canadian crash bumper. The one pictured was in an accident with a deer, and is sitting low on one side. It protected the car quite well in the accident.
The Mini Cooper is, I suppose, also a variant of the Mini. The Cooper is a higher tuned version of the base Mini. John Cooper, who was involved with race cars in the 1960's saw great potential in the Mini because of its superior handling and small size. To make a long story short, the Mini Cooper was the product, and even a higher performance (and obviously now rarer) Cooper "S".
Countryman / Traveller Estate
This was an estate, with woodwork on the rear, to make it more appealing to wealthier consumers. The wood had no structural value, it was purely for looks. The "woody" Mini was obviously much heavier than even the regular estate, which slowed it down somewhat. The Austin Se7en Countryman (or Morris Traveller) was actually produced before the woodless estates were first introduced in 1962.
The Estate is basically a van, but with sliding windows and seats in the back. It was the Mini "wagon" of the fleet. It was introduced in 1962 as a Countryman Estate without wood. All the benefits of the Countryman without the weight of the tudor trim.
The Moke was introduced by BMC as a proposed replacement vehicle for the Royal Navy's Citroen 2CV Pickups. Ideally, the Moke would be small and light enough that it could be packed flat into an aircraft and parachuted into the scene of action.

The Moke was certainly small and light - about 300 lb - and could be stacked on top of eachother. It had the Mini's original 948cc engine and suspension. The Moke was not very successful, as it had very little ground clearance and up-hill traction. An 850cc engine was put in the back to give it four-wheel-drive, but it was still a no-go for the Navy.
The Mini Pickup is my favorite Mini variant. Built on the same platform as the Mini Van, the 1/4 ton pickup had a flat panel behind the two front seats. Behind that there was a load platform that ran all the way to the tailgate at the end of the box.
Mini Van
That's Mini Van, not minivan. The van was basically a Mini with an extended wheelbase, two rear doors (there were two doors so the van could fit on the existing assembly lines), and no windows in the back. They were built as commercial vehicles, but because of the "commercial" status, many people bought it for the tax savings. Kits were sold that would make the van into a budget people carrier. There's a little vent in the roof to make up for the lack of rear side windows.
Tow Trucks
Over the years, a few Minis have been converted into tow trucks. Its hard to imagine what kind of use the owners got out of them, but they are neat vehicles regardless of how effective they are. Here are a few pictures of Mini tow trucks for you. These pictures were sent to me via email (sorry, I can't remember the original sources for them).
Kanada Mini.
Austin Mini is not just a car. She is a friend, a pet and exclusive handbag.